Warning Signs That You Need to Visit an Emergency Dentist
Leaving your aches and pains to wait another day can sometimes lead to a bigger dental emergency later on.
Posted on Jan-08-2021
How Oral Health affects the entire Body?
Our mouth is a gateway to the body's respiratory and digestive tracts, making it essential to maintain good oral health and guard it against unfavourable invaders like bacteria.
Posted on Dec-18-2020
Can you benefit from Porcelain Veneers?
Everybody wants to smile beautifully and proudly; however, many hide behind their smiles and do not show it off. Often this is because of chipped, crooked, or severe discolouration of teeth. In fact, 55% of Australians feel conscious about their teeth, and almost two-third would like to do something to fix their smile.
Posted on Dec-18-2020
Do you need Braces?
People often relate white, even teeth with beauty and health. Perhaps your teeth are not naturally straight, or if you think your bite should be adjusted, you can consider braces.
Posted on Nov-12-2020
Importance of Childrens’ Dentistry!
It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed as a new parent. When you have your first baby your life changes drastically in every imaginable way. It is a new world altogether, and not always easy to get used to.
Posted on Nov-12-2020
How Regular Dental Cleaning Could Benefit Your Oral Health
When was the last time you had teeth cleaning this year? If you don’t remember or haven’t scheduled one so far, that’s bad. Yes, professional dental cleanings are not just for brightening your smile.
Posted on Sep-28-2020
How Poor Oral Health Could Affect Your General Health
Let’s admit it; we always take our oral health for granted until something goes wrong. In fact, 50% of Australians don’t brush their teeth twice a day, according to the Australian Dental Association.
Posted on Sep-28-2020
Root Canal vs. Extraction – Which is the Best Option
Tooth decay is a common preventable dental disease that occurs due to infection and poor oral hygiene. The difficulty in eating, the deep discomfort in the mouth and the sharp pain when you touch the tooth with your tongue can all be really annoying.
Posted on Aug-26-2020
Tips to Keep Gum Disease at Bay
Do you know gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss? Well, it’s true. According to the Australian Dental Association, “Moderate or severe periodontitis (gum disease) is present in 22.9 per cent of the Australian population.” While periodontitis, also called gum disease, is linked with older generations, it affects young people due to poor oral hygiene and lifestyle.
Posted on Aug-19-2020
Common Dental Problems and How to Prevent Them
According to the Australian Dental Association, “nearly six million Australians are living with at least one dental or oral health issue, and almost half of the Australian adults and one-third of kids don’t brush twice a day
Posted on Jul-15-2020
Good Reasons Why You Need Regular Dental Check-Up
Having to visit the dentist may not be your priority appointment that you are looking forward to.
Posted on Jun-23-2020
Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Necessary?
Most people undergo the process of wisdom teeth removal in Blacktown at some point in their life. Often people get them removed because the dentist in Blacktown told it was necessary or perhaps due to the excessive pain in jaw or adjacent teeth.
Posted on May-19-2020
A Cracked Tooth - Should I see an Emergency Dentist?
Like the bones, teeth are built to withstand the wear and tear that comes with day-to-day activities like biting and chewing. Although they are incredibly resilient, teeth are not exempt to damage and anything from a sports injury to biting into a hard candy can cause a tooth to break.
Posted on Mar-14-2020
What Do You Do In A Dental Emergency?
In most cases, patients are not aware of what to do during the dental emergencies. Dental emergencies can be potentially serious and might require the care of an expert emergency dentist Blacktown.
Posted on Feb-23-2020
Everything You Need To Know About Receding Gums
If you notice that your gums are pulling back from your teeth or your teeth look little longer than usual, you may have receding gums.
Posted on Jan-14-2020
Why is it Necessary to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?
Is wisdom teeth removal necessary? This is one of the most common questions patients ask when the dentist recommends extracting their third molars. You can have your wisdom teeth if they are healthy, emerged in the right position, and do not cause any damages to other teeth.
Posted on Nov-23-2019
What will happen if I Retain My Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are one alarming problem almost every one of us faces in our lifetime.
Posted on Oct-17-2019
Wisdom Teeth Extraction; Why It Is Necessary?
Has your dentist suggested you wisdom teeth removal in Blacktown? Don’t ignore it even if your wisdom teeth don’t cause any problem!
Posted on Oct-09-2019
Enhance Your Smile With Dental Veneers!
Our teeth play a significant role in having the perfect smile. Unfortunately, not many are gifted with a beautiful smile. It may be due to teeth imperfections or trauma. But, that doesn’t mean that your smile has to be imperfect.
Posted on Aug-24-2019
Do White Teeth Make You More Attractive?
Everyone loves to have Pearly White Teeth. People try to keep their teeth white, as it tells about one’s oral hygiene. Moreover, people wish to talk to those who maintain a good oral hygiene, after all who wishes to talk to a person with yellow teeth and stinky breath.
Posted on Aug-05-2019
Top Reasons to Get Rid of Your Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth, the third molars that erupt between the ages of 17-25 are the last to erupt and will often rotate or fail to erupt completely.
Posted on Jun-26-2019
Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare – A Complete Guide!
Wisdom teeth are the last set of molar that grows at the very back of the mouth. They are four in number, and most people's wisdom teeth come through between the ages of 17 and 25.
Posted on Jun-03-2019
Braces Can Help Improve Your Smile and Oral Health
If you are embarrassed about your crooked teeth and imperfect smile, braces could be the perfect solution for achieving a straighter smile.
Posted on Mar-27-2019
Wisdom Teeth Removal: How It Is Performed?
Wisdom teeth removal procedure will be done in the surgeon’s or dentist’s office. As per your suggestion, your dentist in Blacktown will examine your wisdom teeth and extract an unhealthy wisdom tooth.
Posted on Mar-07-2019
Reasons to Have Teeth Whitening at Dental Office
The most obvious reason to have in-office whitening done is to remove stains from your teeth. Over time, stains build up on teeth from drinking coffees, sodas, wine, and eating foods that deposit stains on teeth.
Posted on Mar-07-2019